What’s on?

Friends’  talks programme, Spring Term 2025:

On Wednesday January 15th at 2.30 pm we shall welcome in the New Year, not as in the past with a suffrage sing-song, but with a suffrage playreading. Join us in-person or online for How the Vote was Won; The Suffragette’s Redemption; and a modern dialogue, Women Usurp!

Wednesday February 12th at 2.30 pm: Lisa Berry-Waite: ‘Eighth Time Lucky?’: The Parliamentary Election Campaigns of Margery Corbett Ashby, 1918-1944.

Dr Berry-Waite is a historian of women and politics in modern Britain. She is currently working on her monograph provisionally titled A Woman MP? From Parliamentary Candidates to Westminster Representatives, 1918-1939, which will be published by Routledge. Lisa is also the Research and Engagement Assistant Manager for the UK Parliament’s Heritage Collection.

Wednesday March 12th at 2.30pm: Sue Anderson-Faithful & Cath Holloway will speak on Laura Ridding, (1849-1939) Anglican activist and founding member of the National Union of Women Workers, later known as the National Council of Women.

Thursday (please note!) April 10th at 2.30 pm: Dr Anna Muggeridge will tell us about her project ‘Madam Mayor’: women’s local activism in England and Wales, 1918—1939’’.

Almost all talks are hybrid, i.e. for personal and Zoom attendance.  Login details are circulated nearer each date.


IN ADDITION to the above, we have news from

Votes for Women Across the North of England
Wednesday, January 22 2025, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, The Portico Library, 57 Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3HY.

The Portico Library is delighted to welcome Jill Liddington co-author of One Hand Tied Behind Us (1978) and Rebel Girls (2006) to ask why was the Lancashire story for votes for women so well-known and the equally dramatic Yorkshire story neglected for so long? What makes history research so unpredictable – yet, in the end, so often wonderfully rewarding?

Come to this magnificent library and join a richly varied audience – Portico members, Sorbonne graduate students, and members of the public from either side of the Pennines.
Tickets £10 admission. To book, see the link at http://www.jliddington.org.uk/talks.html